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Technologies are tightly bonded to CX, how to ensure their effects are exponential.

Most organisations, both in the private and public sectors, have incorporated some form of AI, automation or chatbots into their customer engagement strategy and systems, and are experimenting with more advanced solutions.

Is this enough though, when a situation strikes where the ‘human touch’ is essential how will organisations manage?

When a situation strikes where the ‘human touch’ is essential how will organisations manage?

Most organisations, both in the private and public sectors, have incorporated some form of AI, automation or chatbots into their customer engagement strategy and systems, and are experimenting with more advanced solutions. Is this enough though, when a situation strikes where the ‘human touch’ is essential how will organisations manage?

The technological solutions available are extremely varied and the range continues to widen.

What should be implemented at this point, which systems need to be improved, where your industry is investing – all of these questions need to be carefully considered before rolling out further digital transformation efforts.

Nonetheless, AI and chatbots are now being seen as more than a nice-to-have technology, and are becoming a priority to organisations that do not want to be left behind.

Thus, the key question weighing on the minds of CX leaders is "How will AI, ML and Chatbots Deliver Engagement in the Absence of the Human Touch?"

We asked 2 CX experts on how they planned on leveraging VAs, Bots further in 2021 and deliver engagement in the absence of the human touch.

1. Gian Paolo Franzoni, Telecommunications

“Our industry is luckily one of the most advanced in terms of technology adoption. We started adopting Cloud, AI, Blockchain, RPA quite some time back, and I cannot really say that we are prioritizing something above the others.

Technologies are tightly bonded to CX and their effects are exponential.

We take advantage of all of them on daily basis and they are part of our DNA really, at the end we are providers of the same for our Customers so it should not be a surprise. As I said, we leverage on Bots (in terms of RPA) wherever is possible and we definitely keep the factory open and ready for any new use case can fit in. Speaking of VAs, I cannot deny that in terms of efficiency are quite effective, but I see very often company misusing them.

It's critically important to understand if the use case you are going to assign to the VA is actually a nice fit or it would have been better off by solving it in a different way or through a different Digital Channel.
What I mean is that the right tech for the right use case can produce an incredibly positive effect on the CX indexes, but at the same time, choosing the wrong one, can cause disasters.”

2. Olga Budieri, Senior Global Customer Experience Manager, Logistics

"Short answer, yes. Long answer, we are understanding the customer perception and expectations across different segments, tailoring our value proposition with a determination to meet our customers’ needs through different modality leveraging a network of interconnected employee productivity tools, customer interfaces, VAs, Bots and support interactions.

Our strategic focus is to ensure the right scalability and excellence that will drive sustainable growth.”

The views and opinions expressed above form part of the CX Live State of the Market 2021 report. The views are those of the individuals themselves and do not represent the views of the organisations they represent. To download a copy of the report click here


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