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Increase brand desire

A revolutionary AI-powered engine that helps business leaders identify real-time drivers of brand desire to directly impact commercial growth.

From Clear M&C Saatchi, the original authors of Brand Desire, created in partnership with world-class data consultancy Fluency M&C Saatchi.

Together, we’ve reimagined the infrastructure and future of brand-building and decoded the value locked up in the billions of data signals consumers create when they interact with brands. The data’s already there – now we’ve finally got the tools to interpret and leverage it.

The breakthrough comes from the machine learning. Using eight trained AIs, over 1 billion data points taken from the world’s most trusted data sources, and over 3,400 hours of data science R&D, we’ve built a sophisticated learning engine which analyzes years of historical consumer data to isolate what’s driving brand desire at both a category and brand level.

For the first time, we’ve mapped how those drivers have impacted historical sales performance. This means we can identify the most unique and valuable drivers of desire for your brand which, if optimized, can generate millions in additional revenue.

The combinations and commercial possibilities are game-changing.

Source: Clear


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