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ME Digital Group – The Story
These are the lands of opportunity, and on such surprisingly fertile sand many a business empire has grown. There is a feeling of...
So long scheduling nightmares: Meet your new contact center WFM solution
What if there was a better way? What if customer support leaders could move past the scheduling nightmares and manage their contact...
How do you overcome organisational inertia and deliver great CX to maintain category leadership?
We have been hit by monumental organisational changes in these last few months as customer needs and expectations have shifted...
Choosing the right strategic partners – A VoC case study
Depending on your organisation’s data and automation roadmap, choosing the right technology partner is extremely important as it will...
How to set your CX goals and implement them successfully
From the start of your CX journey, the brand will need to articulate the business goals and focus on identifying what to achieve in the...
Importance of executive sponsorship for CX initiatives
The new technology-driven CX model requires significant investment and internal alignment. Organisations where the CX leaders and top...
Maybe you are already “doing” CX
Surveys have been around for a long time. But if an organization simply surveys its Customers and calls it a day, it’s not really doing...
Executive escalations - missed opportunities or life-savers?
Just as it’s a risk of us missing opportunities for more fundamental organization-wide improvements, executive escalations often also...
Think like a human and stop ignoring true customer service
Every truly successful business that wants to spend less time doing battle with client attrition really needs to start with the customer...
Say yes, even if it scares you to undertake a monumental task
If you can have patience, humility, some degree of fearlessness but also some degree of fear (both very helpful), present yourself to...
Own your stuff, it helps you identify the next course of action
As counter-intuitive as it seems, failures most certainly lead to the next version of ourselves that is stronger, smarter, intuitively...
Because it's important... thank you!
I sit here trapped in my COVID cave more connected to people and things and yet more isolated and alone than ever. I imagine a lot of...
Career Trajectory... How it works vs. how people think they want it to work
Raise your hand if your company doesn't have a career development program and yet you have managed to develop your career over the years....
Perspectives are important...Keep Sharing
The way people operate businesses are so unique that even if they've worked in the same industry as one another for dozens of years that...
The myth of the perfect leader
Don't put your leader on a pedestal, instead put them in a place of high expectations with enough space for imperfection. Expect strong,...
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